
Mou Huan
Mot clé de l'oeuvre: Sauteur

Présentation générale sur les oeuvres

--------------in translation--------------Mou Huan bridges ancient China and this new age, shaking off ephemerality and superficiality at once. His paintings prove eminence and timelessness, strength and power in a particularly Eastern fashion. In this way, Mou Huan's work opens a bridge between China's ancient traditional culture and this new age, between the spiritual power of the East and the dramatic and rapidly changing 21st century.

Mou Huan was born in Chengdu, Sechuan, China. He relinquishes architectural details in his works concentrates entirely on his painting the expressive power of his figures, bridges ancient China and this new age.

His paintings prove eminence and timelessness, strength and power in a particularly Eastern fashion. In this way, Mou Huan's work opens a bridge between China's ancient traditional culture and this new age, between the spiritual power of the East and the dramatic and rapidly changing 21st century.

In this series, the contours of the motifs dissolve further and further. The material world becomes more abstract, while color emerges as a free and autonomous effect.

This is the artist signature series of work. He is taking the work to a new minimalist direction, de-emphasising on the detail and concentrating on the form and movement. The figure is flying in the air effortlessly.