Zhang Qingqu

Archives de Zhang Qingqu
Sexe :sexe masculin   1944

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Exposition en ligne des Œuvres et biographies de Zhang Qingqu

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Zhang Qingqu

Genres d'art abordés : Art Chinois

Biographie de Zhang Qingqu :
Zhang Qingqu (1944 - ) is a contemporary Chinese painter who is good at traditional Chinese painting. The artist is a professor and a member of government-affiliated China Artists Association. 
He teaches in several academies of fine art in China respectively and holds positions in several government run art institutions and folk art organizations. 
The contemporary artist has taken part in many art exhibitions at home and abroad and won awards. Zhang Qingqu’s works are already collected by organizations and collectors. He has published some work collections and academic essays.

Exposition des oeuvres de Zhang Qingqu :

Diplômé de l'école :

· Enchères des œuvres de Zhang Qingqu >>

· Expositions des œuvres de Zhang Qingqu >>

· Commentaires sur les œuvres de Zhang Qingqu >>

13 œuvres au total de Zhang Qingqu en exposition en ligne.  Par page